Tips & tricks for a successful insemination


Tips & tricks for a successful insemination

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is often the first step for lesbian couples who would like to start a family.  IUI is a quick procedure that inserts washed and processed sperm directly into your uterine cavity with a thin catheter and syringe. IUI is performed with medical assistance and is the most common form of insemination.

IUI washing purifies the sample, so there will not be an anaphylactic reaction and so that only the best moving sperm are left in the sample.

The sample is then placed directly into the uterus, maximizing the concentration of sperm that will reach the uterus, as a lot of sperm is typically lost in the vagina with at-home insemination (as well as with intercourse).

From there, sperm need to travel up to the fallopian tube on their own to reach the egg, hopefully fertilizing the egg to create an embryo, and then the embryo travels back down into the uterine cavity.

What can you do to increase your chances of fertilization during this process?

Here are some suggestions to help your body prepare for successful fertilization:

  • Eat right!

Eating a healthy diet of whole foods is the number one way to prepare your body for insemination. For details about exactly what foods to eat, check out the Creating a Family’s Foods and Diet That Can Increase Your Fertility radio show. There are also “wonder foods” that have shown to assist by developing good follicle quality, regulating reproductive hormones, normalizing your cycle, etc. Also, cut back on caffeine and alcohol.

  • Regular exercise—but don’t over do it!

Low-impact, regular exercise, as long as it’s not too strenuous, helps fertility. However, scale back your routine during the second half of your menstrual cycle, to avoid jarring movements before and during ovulation.

  • Destress!

The physiological effects of stress can affect pregnancy success. It is believed that hormones like cortisol or epinephrine, which rise and fall with stress, also play a role in fertility. Regular exercise, as mentioned above, will help with stress. Additionally, try yoga, long walks, meditation, and whatever other techniques work for you.

  • Add fertility treatments!

IUI with injectable medication will increase your chances of pregnancy. Fertility medication will encourage ovulation and the release eggs for fertilization. Although, note that the risk for multiples increases by 20% with fertility drugs.

  • Rest!

A short period of rest after artificial insemination has been shown to increase chances of pregnancy. This recommended rest refers to the time immediately following insemination.

With these tips in mind, think positive and take this journey moment by moment, not worrying about the present or trying to look too far into the future.