Most popular groups

Glow Pregnancy Announcements
Getting pregnant is one of the most (if not THE most) exciting life event. So share your pregnancy announcement with the Glow Community! Baby dust to all!
4m+ members

General TTC
Everything TTC: Questions, answers, and support!
3m+ members

Faint Lines/NO BFPs
Use if you need a fresh pair of eyes on your possible BFP
4m+ members

Cycle Buddies
Find your cycle buddy here.
3m+ members
Most popular groups

Faint Lines/NO BFPs
Use if you need a fresh pair of eyes on your possible BFP
4m+ members

Cycle Buddies
Find your cycle buddy here.
3m+ members

Medically-Assisted Fertility
For anyone using fertility help while TTC
1m+ members

BBT Help & Chart Analysis
A group where you can ask all your BBT related questions!
2m+ members
Most popular groups

Everything you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.
8m+ members

Period Talk
That time of the month? We know how you feel. Talk about it here!
10m+ members

Am I Pregnant?
Pregnancy scare? Get advice and ask questions here.
2m+ members
Most popular groups

Sex & Relationships
From relationship goals to sex advice: if it's about sex or relationships, share it here.
6m+ members

Love & Sex
First loves. Best kisses. Sexcapades. Break ups. We want to hear your stories about Love & Sex. Share them here.
8m+ members

Adult Relationships
Find relationship advice here - whether it's about a partner, a friend, a mother-in-law, or anyone else, we're here to help!
6m+ members

Everything you ever wanted to know, but were afraid to ask.
8m+ members
Most popular groups

Health & Lifestyle
Everyday life, everyday problems. Share your thoughts living the best life here.
7m+ members

Health & Lifestyle
Everyday life, everyday problems. Tell us your plans for living your best life.
8m+ members

Healthy Weight
This group is all about reaching or maintaining a healthful weight.
982,204 members

Mental Health Support
This group is specifically for women who have or know someone with mental illness.
827,989 members
Most popular groups

Selfie Drop
Selfie drop: show us your fave!
635,755 members

Share your beauty tips, make up tips, hair styles etc
1m+ members

Body Modifications!
tattoos, piercings, etc! questions, show them off, regret? advice? anything to do with em.
365,882 members

Self Care | Look & Feel Confident
Share tips on the things we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it's a simple concept in theory, it's something we very often overlook. Good self-care is key to improved mood and reduced anxiety!
3m+ members
Most popular groups

Everything fandom :) What makes you squee?
50,504 members

1m+ members

For artists of all types: Cartoonists, illustrators, painters etc. Or for people who just enjoy art!
105,726 members

Book Talk
Here we can talk about anything book related! 😊
1m+ members
Most popular groups

Controversy Corner
News, views, and debate!
5m+ members

Race, Gender & LGBT 101
Discuss and gain a better understanding of social justice issues
36,897 members

Religion and Spirituality
225,649 members

Christian ladies of Glow
59,821 members
Most popular groups

General Pregnancy
You did it! Share your journey! Post your pictures!
2m+ members

Glow Pregnancy Announcements
Getting pregnant is one of the most (if not THE most) exciting life event. So share your pregnancy announcement with the Glow Community! Baby dust to all!
4m+ members

Birth Stories
Share your birth story
3m+ members

First Time Moms
Is this your first pregnancy? Here's a group just for you.
2m+ members
Most popular groups

Health & Lifestyle
Everyday life, everyday problems. Share your thoughts living the best life here.
7m+ members

Vegan Lifestyle
Let's get together a fun loving support group of people who are trying to live a healthy lifestyle.
123,549 members

Do you smoke Marijuana? Have any funny stories? Questions about it? Don't be shy to ask or tell!
55,430 members

Foodies Unite! Food & Cooking
Do you love to cook? Do you love food? This group's for you.
1m+ members
Most popular groups

Girls Who Like Girls
This group is for girls who like girls or are curious about them!!
262,628 members

For all the members of the MOGII community! For lesbians, trans people, queer people, asexuals, etc
201,917 members

A judgement free place where the LGBTQ community can share experiences, ask questions, or just talk!
146,094 members

Same-Sex Pregnant Couples
This is a group for any same-sex couple on Nurture or Glow who are pregnant!
23,132 members
Most popular groups

For those who love being spanked, bitten, tied up, tied down, teased, or pleased.
268,724 members

Rated R - Risque Questions & Answers
Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
800,432 members

Masturbation Q&A
Got questions? We've got answers.
1m+ members

Ask questions about masturbation and share tips.
890,064 members
Most popular groups

329,086 members

All Military
A group to support Glow's Military users
26,877 members

High School
For high school kids only
576,551 members

Work and Careers
All career-related questions and support!
595,649 members
Most popular groups

Adult Relationships
Find relationship advice here - whether it's about a partner, a friend, a mother-in-law, or anyone else, we're here to help!
6m+ members

Fur Babies
Anything and everything pet related. 😊
1m+ members

All Military
A group to support Glow's Military users
26,877 members

Interracial Couples
Where Women can give their input on there relationship with their mate etc♡
26,554 members
Most popular groups

Pregnancy & Child Loss
Grief Support Room: Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Child loss.
498,871 members

Mental Health Support
This group is specifically for women who have or know someone with mental illness.
827,989 members

Rape/Sexual Abuse Support
Share your story, vent, get advice help start your journey to healing.
41,043 members

TTC Vent - let it all out!
TTC is stressful. Let it all out here!
50,836 members
Most popular groups

Birth Stories
Share your birth story
3m+ members

For all your parenting concerns
1m+ members

Baby Pics!
They're cute! Take a pic! Post it here!
1m+ members

Product Recommendations
What has worked for you?
3m+ members
Most popular groups

Selfie Drop
Selfie drop: show us your fave!
635,755 members

Teen Relationships
Teens only group - Let's talk relationships
1m+ members

Everything fandom :) What makes you squee?
50,504 members

Teen Talk
TEENS ONLY! Let's chat and support each other!
637,435 members
Most popular groups

Second Time Moms
This is a group for those of us who are going to be or are second time moms!
184,098 members

Young Moms
Under-21 mommas-to-be welcome here! It's a little different at our age!
214,438 members

Single Moms
This group is for all you current and ttc single mommies by choice!
16,279 members

Black Moms Club
Empowering our Black Fathers! Flaunting our little Melanin Gods! Building a Sisterhood!
14,971 members
Most popular groups

Abortion Support
A place to discuss this difficult decision
26,944 members

Pregnancy & Child Loss
Grief Support Room: Pregnancy Loss, Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Child loss.
498,871 members

Mental Health Support
This group is specifically for women who have or know someone with mental illness.
827,989 members

Rape/Sexual Abuse Support
Share your story, vent, get advice help start your journey to healing.
41,043 members
Most popular groups

Rated R - Risque Questions & Answers
Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask.
800,432 members

Masturbation Q&A
Got questions? We've got answers.
1m+ members

Ask questions about masturbation and share tips.
890,064 members

Everything Orgasm: Tips, Tricks, Advice, and Answers!
Let's just be open and honest and try help eachother work this elusive pleasure out! xx
1m+ members
Most popular groups

Baby Bump Selfies
Post your baby bumps here! This group is just for your baby bumps! Happy and healthy 9 months!
2m+ members

Got something to get off your chest? All rants and vents go here!
135,564 members

Selfie Drop
Selfie drop: show us your fave!
635,755 members

The Laughing Corner
Hi ladies! This is just a section for funny business. Post ANY funny quotes & let's start laughing!
883,120 members