General Questions
This group is general questions people have in everyday life. Curious? Just ask.
Creator: Taejah
Members: 461
Tell me why?
so ladies I have a question for you, tell me why my pee smells like bleach and my pap smear came back normal and there's nothing wrong with me at all and I drink plenty of water. The only time that my pee smells like bleach is when I wake up and use the bathroom for the first time and throughout the day is just clear.
Last reply Sep 19, 2017
What is going on?!?!?
So for the past week I've been getting migraines only at night, I didn't think anything of it bc the weather is changing and I get headaches from my allergies when that happens. Last night though I was so cold but my body was warmer than normal, my body was aching and my head was pounding. I doubt its a cold bc my nose isn't running or stopped up. What else could it be the cold chills just started (I am currently freezing, I had too turn the heat on bc I was so cold.) Please help
Last reply Sep 17, 2017
Ideas for a birthday gift
So I've been working at a mexican grill for 6 months & it's just me, my boss & the dishwasher guy working since we're a small store. Anywho, the dishwasher guy doesn't speak English but I speak somewhat spanish & we communicate daily and he's really sweet and nice. His birthdays in 2 weeks & I thought I'd get him something. He loves cologne but I don't wanna buy him that cause 1) Idk if it's a smell he'd like & 2) that shits expensive. So cologne is out. I'm not rlly sure what else I could possibly get him that doesn't come off that I "like" him like that or expensive either. Just simple, affordable and something he'd like/put to use. PLEASE HELP!
Last reply Sep 13, 2017
Hurricane Harvey
During the hurricane I end up losing my rottweiler puppy that I had bought about a week prior to the storm. She was only 9weeks old, I still can't find her and at this point I think somebody either took her or she is no longer alive. I was wondering if anybody knew where I could get another one from. I don't have a lot of money to buy another one as she was an akc and was expensive. If anybody can help please let me know.
Last reply Sep 5, 2017
Do you write joined up?
Last reply Aug 24, 2017
outdoor wedding 3.5 month old
My sister is getting married when my baby will be 3 and half months old. I was wondering any advice you have. we are flying so we won't have much there other than one crib and a couple toys we will bring with us. should I bring my pump so I can try to get her to use a bottle or would excusing myself to breastfeed be ok (I'm a bridesmaid) my breasts do hurt if I don't feed my baby every few hours. They also get hard if I don't. my mom is insisting I. need to pump. that's also an extra thing we would have to being with us. what can you do to make your baby happy. the wedding should be in the evening so it hopefully won't be sunny. my mom just wants me to hold her the whole time but I'm not sure my baby would be ok with possibly not being put down for 4 hours. How to politely tell your family and bride a nd groom's friends that you don't want anyone holding your baby apart from your immediate family? I know my mom will be extremely mad that I don't want extended family touching her during the wedding day but I don't want my baby to get sick or agitated by a lot of people.
Last reply Aug 18, 2017
How long did it take to get pg
How long did it take anyone to get pg after starting this app
Last reply Mar 14, 2015
Last reply Mar 12, 2015