Oral & Anal 101

This group is for any questions about oral sex both men and women and anal sex.

Creator: Lucero

Members: 1m+

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Last reply Jul 26, 2019


That's my life. It's something to do with your mind. If you experienced pain once, your body tenses up at the thought of being hurt like that again. So it becomes almost physically impossible to penetrate. Fingers are fine, great, but when he puts his penis in, you're literally holding your breath waiting for the pain to go away. I have come to embrace the pain. Because I have tried all the mind exercises and they don't work. So we just go with it. Add to that be above average size and it's sometimes too much and I have to shove him off, like not today satan,lol. But most times we go thru wth it.


Best positions when using a butt plug?

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Last reply Aug 11, 2019


I like doggy, because he can pull on it and play with it then. Have both one with a gem end and another with a tail to tease hubs with.

How to make yourself taste better down there?

Being eaten out makes me anxious I won’t taste good. And I know taste can vary from time to time. My boyfriend finally did it after I let him (my first time) and then did it a second time that night. But we haven’t since. He didn’t seem bothered. I know I don’t smell. I keep it clean and fresh. He said he enjoys it. How do I make sure it tastes good? I’ve heard take chlorophyll but not sure why or what does. I don’t expect it to taste like cake but don’t want it tasting bad. I use regular soap and water, nothing scented, nothing that will throw off pH, and don’t douche.

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Last reply Sep 16, 2020


Drink lots of water and coconut water. Reduce your acid intake. Such as coffee. It’s known that too much coffee CAN make you more acidic and less pleasant down there. Eat lots of fruits and veggies. But you can eat any fruits. Not just pineapple. And some people say the acid content in pineapple is very high and can throw off your ph. Idk about that but from my experience just drinking enough water and eating clean changes everything.


Just thinking today I’m gonna tell my boyfriend I want to try but I’m sooooo nervous

Anal sex orgasm tips

I’ve been in a relationship with my boyfriend for awhile and we got really into having anal sex. I know he enjoys it very much and I enjoy the intimacy. But I have to admit it gets frustrating when he always finishes and I don’t get to orgasm. What can we do to make orgasm possible for me?

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Last reply Jul 6, 2019


It’s different for everyone but it took me forever to find a position that I could cum in. For me over the kitchen counter or any highish counter and standing up with a slight bend. But also the pace that he goes as well. For me I like him to do it fast and hard but try out different positions and paces to see what works for u.


Can we use vaseline or hand cream during anal? Or any other product if we don't have lube....(And how to use this)

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Last reply Jul 9, 2019


I have used lubes and vaseline. Vaseline doesn't dry out very fast and it seems to be fine for me. Its not ever caused me any issues and i have used it for 5 + yrs

how do i make down there taste/smell better

so me and my bf want to try doing sexual stuff together but i’ve never done anything before. how do i make down there taste/smell better just in case we go there also how do i get rid of razor bumps after shaving down there !!

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Last reply Jul 6, 2019


You could try taking cranberry supplements, drinking lots of water, and if you go the pineapple route make sure it's not a juice blend! I personally drink lots of water and take cranberry supplements and have noticed a drastic difference over the months

How To Ask for Oral

So the last guy I was dating was really into giving me oral sex for like hours at a time. But now that I'm dating again I'm really worried about asking a guy to do that. Do most guys seem to be on board with that? How would you ask? I mean, all he would have to do is go down on me for a while and then I would be begging for penetration! :-)

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Last reply Jul 24, 2020


Shower, shave, put on a sexy thong and just when he is laying down sit on his face. That works for me and hubby.

Trying anal

So me and my boyfriend want to do anal but I have PTSD when it comes to anal because of an ex of mine. Does anyone have any tips that can help me to try anal with my current boyfriend?

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Last reply Jun 30, 2019


I also have PTSD from past partners and my girlfriend and I wanted to start experimenting with different things and here’s what we’ve kind of figured out works for us so far. (Obviously everyone is different). Lube. So much lube like what feels like too much is probably good, we have a water based liquid lube but also occasionally use natural liquid coconut oil because I have very sensitive skin. We started so slow with her first finger and have so far worked up to 3 over a few weeks. I would definitely suggest starting small like fingers before even trying anything else. We have taken it very slow because of my traumas. But what I think has helped me the most was having pressure (fingers or we use a dildo) in my vagina as well almost as a distraction to get me to relax.


It's normal to have a taste/smell as discharge is a combination of dead skin cells and cervic mucus etc etc.Don't be too insecure about it cause if he's enjoying it and it feels good for you then I think it's alright.As for the kissing part, you should probably ask him about it or talk to him if you'd rather not be kissed after he's been down there.Me and my boyfriend share a mutual hate for the left over spit feeling from kisses and this happened:


How many calories is in semen.... just asking for a friend. X

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Last reply Jun 29, 2019


I think it's like 5 calories per teaspoon

Anal first time

How can I prevent him getting anything on his dick during anal, it’s our first time and it I my biggest fear

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Last reply Jul 2, 2019


Anal will require some time of cleanup... after all his 🍆 is going where you 💩I recommend him or both of you taking a shower afterIf you don’t have time to shower use baby wipes until you can ;)

Pain while doing anal?

So I was doing anal for the 4th time since I’ve tried it and it hurt a little. Any tips on what to do?

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Last reply Jun 25, 2019


Fingering ur ass to LOOSING it up before might help a bit or try some anal beads

Anal incident

Me and my boyfriend did anal last night while hanging out, we've done it a few times before, I was so embarrassed after he finished he pulled it out and he had shit on his dick😰 I was so embarrassed I wanted to go in the bathroom and leave out the window......💩Anyone else....or was it just me?😶

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Last reply Jul 6, 2019


Get no dented douches or plain water

It's fondle time! 🍆🌰

While giving some head to your man do you like to fondle with his balls?If you do what kind of reaction does he make? 😆----------------------------------------------------My man makes this kind of face when I fondle with them 👇But I find that hilarious and just continue 😂

It's fondle time! 🍆🌰
It's fondle time! 🍆🌰

2 Photos

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Last reply Jul 6, 2019


Hell yeah I fondle his balls, he loves it!

I need some advice please xx

So pretty much .... me and my boyfriend have been dating for 3 months and we’re both ready to do stuff . Were both virgins and so I’m kind of nervous that I’m going to do something wrong . We’ve decided that we’re not having sex just yet but we both want to do oral . I need some tips on how to give a good blow job because I’ve never done it before so I want it to be good . Thanks girls x help a chick out Also should i swallow ?

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Last reply Jun 24, 2019


Couple tips just based off my first mistakes, its easier to have him lie down, while you stradle his thighs. I wanted to kneel in front of him that first time and it just didnt work out, and i found that until i got better at it i needed him to lie down. Also keep in mind that he is nervous too so eye contact is probably not the best idea, especially since you probably want to focus on what youre doing. Dont try to deep throat your first time. Okay youre just gonna freak yourself out if you do that. Youll taste some precum probably, dont worry about it. Its salty, but its normal. Definitely use lots of saliva. Ask him beforehand how he feels about you licking/sucking/touching his balls. Try to keep teeth from touching, but if they do, dont worry. He probably didnt notice. It is okay to take a break from sucking and use your hands. Maybe lick the tip while you do it. Guys actually like that stuff. Variety. Most importantly, just keep in mind that one of the amazing things about a blowjob is, even when its bad, its good. 😝 youll do fine😉 best of luck to you.
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Last reply Jun 23, 2019


Absolutely everyone has hemorrhoids at all times. But if you mean swollen or inflamed hemorrhoids, that can happen at all ages. If it's a problem check that you get enough fibers in your diet, and enough water.

Sucking d

Can I get some good on sucking dick I just can’t make my man cum I always swallow too fast and my mouth ends up super dry

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Last reply Jul 10, 2019


I use a small piece of starburst in my mouth to produce extra saliva. I just bite off a corner and then go to town. Let all the extra spit come out and make sure to use your hands too. It’s a bit messy but oh so good. My husband goes wild for this even after 20 years together.

Anal sex

So my husband and I just had anal sex for the first time in awhile. I was just curious if I am crazy or if someone else, other then me, actually enjoys anal sex. Who else enjoys anal?

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Last reply Jul 2, 2019


It depends on my mood, but I really don't mind it! Sometimes it feels better than vaginal.