Clear CM, 2 days late, cramps, BFN

I have been noticing increasing CM for the last 2 days (since the day AF was supposed to show up)...usually I am very dry before AF. I keep thinking it's my period coming and it's clear and watery. Today, I felt mild nausea when I woke up early, but went back to sleep and it was gone when I got up an hour later. I have been having mild mild on and off cramps, maybe only 2-3 times a day the last 2 days also. I have been eating and drinking plenty of water. My boobs have been sore, but mostly just very sensitive nipples for the last week. My hubby and I had sex multiple times before, during, and after ovulation. I used ovulation sticks and we timed out perfectly. I have taken a pregnancy test every morning the last 3 days and all have been BFN:( Am I getting my hopes up? My period is usually pretty on time but could be within a couple days...however my cycle is usually 28 and I am at 30. 
It's so hard not to think about this ALL day! :)