AF, IB, or possible miscarriage during implantation?

At 2 dpo I started with various symptoms that I never have. Sore breasts are what really stood out more than anything. Then it was frequent urination, acne on my face. Around 4 dpo I had the same symptoms plus lack of appetite, nausea, severe all day headache, shakiness, and anxiety. At 6 dpo all of this continued plus a bloated gassy feeling and a heavy "full" feeling in my uterus. Mid-day I wiped and had brown blood on the tp. Not on underwear. On 7 dpo I had pink spotting all day plus cramping, metallic taste in mouth, and all previous symptoms. In the evening the spotting turned to a bright red blood and was half the flow of my normal period with a very few small clots this bleeding stopped on the morning of 9 dpo. On the morning of 9 dpo all symptoms disappeared except for no appetite (unlike me) and the heavy "full" feeling in my uterus. Plus I have a watery slick clear CM and lots of it(not like me). On 10 dpo took test and got a BFN. I should note that my period has never been early, ever. any thoughts? Any one experienced something similar? AF due in 3 days.