Just my luck...?

Ugh my last two periods have been late and short. Iwas supposed to get my period on the 7th of feb. But of course i got it that next week while i was in Florida for the first time! Told my grandma it was just my luck to get it while we were there, told my mom about it and asked her if my period will be four weeks after my new period time frame or if itll just go back to normal, she said itd go back to normal. So i was supposed to get it around the 7th again this month but i got it while we were in duluth for a family vaca on tuesday night... or wed. I forget. I thought f course just ny luck again but im not sure, and its freaking me out. I dont wsnt to go out and party if im pregnant, i would feel so guilty if that happed but ice been off birth control for almost 6 months so im kind of settling with the idea that i cant get pregnant. Idk what to do guys sos?