Is it normal to have 2 periods in one month

Sharonda • Trying to ttc
Hi my name is sharonda and I have three kids but I'm trying to get pregnant again I been trying since 2010 and I'm still not pregnant yet and also I just had my period March 7 and I think it's starting to come right now and me and my husband want a baby toghter but is it normal to have 2 periods in one month plz tell me wats wrong with me and y am I not getting pregnant yet we had sex right after my period ended and we even did it on the days I ovlation and right now im thinking im about to get my period again and i dont want to get it again it was supposed to come nexts month on the 4th someone plz tell me y am I not getting pregnant yet and wat pills can I take to get pregnant plz help because we really want a baby toghter I think my period is trying to start because I saw a little. Bit of blood and clots plz help