
I terminated my pregnancy on January 6th, which I will never ever be doing again, anyway, I was supposed to get my period on the 21st but it has yet to come. Since I stopped birth control last April my cycle days are all over the place ranging from 26 days to 67... The only PMS symptom I ever had was cramping for a few days before it came and I was always very irritable. Had unprotected sex on the 11 of this month, the 13 I was nauseous and crampy allllll day then it went away. Last week my nipples were sensitive and tender to the touch, that also went away. Sunday (1 day before AF was supposed to come) I was overly nauseous, heartburn to the max, got hot easily, headache, insomnia... Took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I've been nauseous on and off since then, headaches, feeling more tired, heartburn, hungry a lot, insomnia like crazy, back hurts, hairs growing fast, dry nipples, cramps, bloated, peeing very frequently(even in the middle of the night which I never do), moody... Took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I never had implantation bleeding during my last pregnancy, I actually got a full on period three days after conception... Sounds like I'm pregnant but I keep getting negatives, at first I thought maybe my PMS symptoms changed after my pregnancy but I never have PMS symptoms this long before a period or anywhere near that many... Should I wait and test again? And when? I feel like first response isn't a good brand just cause when I was 5 weeks along it had a very faint positive and my Walgreens brand both lines were super bold within five seconds 😕 Any suggestions are appreciated!!