Ttc 2nd child. Irregular cycle and I breastfeed my 1 year old.

I've been trying to conceive a second child, but it has been hard to track ovulation and cycles due to irregular period. I am still breastfeeding my one-year-old, so it has been difficult how to tell if my period is reacting to the breastfeeding, or if I am having pregnancy symptoms symptoms. I have taken two pregnancy tests that worked. The Clearblue Easy control line didn't show up, so I haven't counted that test. First Response has had two negatives. Is anyone else having pregnancy issues with negative testing? I did have implantation bleeding I believe a few days ago. It lasted for about 3 days and was only spotting in the morning. I really hope I'm pregnant! My daughter would love a little sibling. She just doesn't seem to get the morning sickness. I'm having all the symptoms I had with my previous pregnancy. I'm just going to listen to my body until I can get into the doctor. It's so annoying that you have to wait or a referral from your family practice doctor to go to you OB.