Story Time... 🙈

Desiree • 24. Living Life to the Fullest
So i met this guy a long time ago, and we talked for ever and he lives on the other side of town from me so if i wanted to see it wasnt that far. So one night after my parents left for my brothers football practice he came over for a couple of hours so we could just talk and everthing. Well i had Frozen on because i didnt know exactly what to do when he came over. When frozen was over he was like messing with my boobs and tempting to finger me, basically trying to have sex with me. He knew i didn't want sex or a relationship but he still tried anyways. Well when we went to my room he basically pulled off my pants with me wiggling and doing everything i could for him to not take them off but he still won 😒. So he fingered me and he wanted me to give him a bj but i refused to. And so he left because my parents were about to come home well i found out like a week or so later that he was ENGAGED to a open relationship and all of this other junk. But what really pissed me off was when i tried to text him after everything we did he wanted nothing to do with me because him and his finacé got back together so i was no longer in the picture 😡.