Porn ruining relationship no negative comments!!

Arianna • With the love of my life and mother to our handsome little boy ❤️
So my fiancée knows that him watching porn really hurts me, and he swore to me that he wouldn't do it again because he loves me and doesn't wanna hurt me anymore. Lately he hasn't been wanting to have sex with me and doesn't even get aroused by me when I'm naked. So I decided to check to see if he's been watching it. I found out he has and he's been deleting it so i don't find out. He goes to the bathroom while I'm sleeping and watches it and gets off to it. I had told him whenever he feels horny to come to me no matter what because I wanna be the only one to please him, I'm against porn because it hurts me. I even suggested we make our own porno so he can watch that instead if he has the urge to masterbate and I've taken lots of photos for him too. Now before all you ladies start bashing me again about how it's just porn and at least he's not going out to cheat, just know that in my relationship I'm against it and understand that lots of women are okay with their partner watching it or they watch it together, but not me. This is ruining our relationship, he's constantly lying when I've asked him to just tell me the truth while talking calmly, and we don't have sex anymore because of it, he can't even get hard when he sees me naked. I've caught him many times and always promises not to watch it again. Please give me some positive advice on what I should do and if therapy helps. If you've gone through this and went to therapy did it work? We have a son together so I can't just leave him, I want a family with this guy.. Just want his porn addiction to stop. Please tell me what I should do:( I'm torn