
OK everyone I have never cheated on my hubby we both have been trying to understand how or why would I test positive and all Honesty I love my hunni I could never be with another or even think about it. I was having so problems with my period to the point where I had to go to the hospital because I thought I was having a urethral polyp. But anyways the did a cervix swab and I got the results like a few days later that I tested positive for chylimdia now me and my husband have been together for a year and some months out Te anniversarie is July 10th of this year and he keeps telling me that he been tested and that it can't be from him and that I had to have it when I know this can't be true but honestly it could be either one of our past relationships. The problem is I don't want this to effect my mirrage and IDK what to do or think but I'm actually scared and surprised about the results . I'm so lost and confused I really can't help but think if these anyway the results could be wrong. IDK can y'all help me out tell me if this ever happens to you by the way I don't have any symptoms at all I did get me period early and lasted a bit longer but that's it. Please don't leave anything negative Thank You 😧