Funny mommy moment

Ladies, do you ever have those days where by the end you're not sure if you want to laugh or cry?? Well here's my story... 
My daughter, lorali, just turned one not too long ago. She decided today that she wanted to wake up at 3:00 am today and refused to go to sleep again. By 10 this morning I was lagging hard core. So I put lorali in her crib and figured she could just talk or play until she fell asleep because I needed to put my swollen, pregnant feet up. All of a sudden I hear lorali pull on the tabs of her diaper through the baby monitor. I was really confused because I put her down fully dressed in a cute pair of jeans and t shirt and she'd never taken off her clothes before. I figured I was imagining what I heard but like clockwork I hear her yell "poot, poot" (poop) and start laughing louder and harder then I'd ever heard her laugh before. So I got up off the couch as fast as I could and did a waddle run to her bedroom to see my beautiful little girl had gathered multiple blankets and put them in a pile and was continuing to body slam the blankets completely naked!!!! Her diaper and outfit thrown across the room and she was just having the time of her life. After a few minutes of searching for poop without finding any I figured it'd be better to just keep her in my site for the rest of the day. She didn't get a nap today and somehow has more energy then I've ever seen in such a tiny human. 
Any moms out there have anything like this happen or any other "fun" mommy moments you'd like to share?