Baby fever *****long***** please read

I am a twenty-two year student and have been married to my husband since July 2015. We have been together 5 years in June. I have had horrible and extremely depressing baby fever. My husband and I are not in the place to have a baby because we are both students working; while him full time and me part time because of nursing school. I watch my nephew who is under 1 everyday for 6 days a week who also lives with me; so being around a baby constantly is not breaking my baby fever.

My baby fever started around Oct 2015. I feel like for some reason I started getting a weird impression in my head that after marriage then next baby; even though I know that's not how me and my husband have ever said. We have always agreed around 25 for me when we start for a baby. But, my baby fever is getting worst over time especially since my pregnancy scare last month where I was having extreme nausea and my usually regular period was late by several days. I was not pregnant and it was a relief but heartbreaking.

My main thing is feeling like I am the only one having these problems. My friends are either married and having babies\ ttc or dating and completely not thinking about babies\single and focused on school.

Is there anyone that is having the same or similar situation as I am? Advise or just a conversation to help me and maybe others through it too.