I can't marry him

We've been dating 5 years. Just had a babay together (born March 19th 2016)

The last little while has been a roller-coaster. On and off and arguing and crap. It got to the point where we were living as roommates, not a couple. We had seperate rooms for almost a year in 2014. He bought a car, I bought a car. We had different lives yet lived together.

Anyways we reconciled beginning of 2015.

Essentially started over. But I guess we were still distant. But at this point we were sharing a room again and actually having sex. So we ended up pregnant right.

He was still pretty distant. Guess it's just the way he is. If you don't ask him he won't make an effort. He's an old soul. Anyways. When I went into labour, he drove me (in my car cause he didn't wanna mess up his car) and in the hospital once the contractions were briefly settled he leaned over gave me a ring and said " I guess we should get married then."

I said no. I said you wouldn't have proposed if there was no baby. Don't ask me to marry you out of obligation. I think it's wrong. He didn't propose to me the 4 years before we found out we were pregnant so while in labour he then suggests we get married. There's no way.

Now I'm home with my newborn writing this out. Baby laying beside me in bed, he's down the hall watching TV on the projector. I feel like he is just my sperm donor. Not the daddy to my child.

Thanks for reading. Just needed to vent