Fiancé issues. 😁

Okay so me and my fiancé argue all the time. But it's over little things. He just doesn't understand anything that I go through. Like the things in pregnancy like : 
- when your just laying there and you instantly have to pee so bad so you have to jump up. : he gets so mad because he says I don't need to use the bathroom that much. 
- he gets moody : he doesn't believe me that guys get mood swings too. And starts yelling at me calling me a liar. 
- my belly starts cramping so I complain about it. : he says that I do nothing in order for my belly to hurt. 
- when you stand up for too long and your legs hurt / go numb : he says a baby shouldn't do that and they're to little. But in all actuality they lay on nerves causing your legs to go numb or hurt. 
He just makes me so frustrated and tells me I know nothing. About pregnancy.