Acid reflux from hell!!!! @ 13 weeks and 3 days

Alright so now that some of the morning sickness has died down a bit (not to where I want it tho) Acid reflux has been my battle and I mean it is burtal! So I have rolaids checked online and seen that it's unknown to what it can do to baby. Took one and I HATE the chalking taste it gives off. So of course I almost puke it up buy kept it down. Lasted about an hour. So hubby read online to eat apples or take a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. So no apples until grocery stores open (as it's easter weekend) so I had apple cider vinegar in the cupboard. Sure it shouldn't been so bad right? Well holy geese. It went right down my throat instant start to gag and puke (actually wasn't puke was just spit and what seems to be the issue to what is causing the problem. Drank some kool-aid which I think may have been my problem) I will suggest to NEVER do it. I smell like vinegar and my stomach hurts like crazy. I know I could cop out and take tums but it's the whole chalk taste that I can not get through. Hopefully there's something that the doctor can prescribe to me to be able to help me along through out my pregnancy. If anyone else has home remedies though that are safe for the baby please please please give me suggestions. I'm dying here :(