Why don't they listen?

I just wanted to vent and see comments on people in the same boat as me. I've been telling my fiancé I'm not happy for a couple months and why and what I want him to do about it and he says ok i will and then he just goes back to doing the same shit and I feel like my mistake was, through out our entire relationship I would always say 'no matter what I'll never leave you' which is true I won't. But I think by me saying that it gave him this sense of security like 'ok well I can just do whatever cuz she wont leave'. So this morning I told him crying that I had thought of taking a break and staying at my moms for a while so he can think about how he's been taking me for granted and he was like 'you thought about breaking up with me' and I said 'not breaking up, taking a break' (which is the same exact thing he told me before when we had some issues before) and he said 'that's the same thing.' So he got quiet and cuddled close to me and was like 'I'm gonna try harder from now on, and if that's still not good enough I'm just gonna try harder'
I hope I finally got through to him but I guess only time will tell. Why did it take him finding out I was thinking about being gone to realize that he needed to act different, but me crying and confessing every bad thing I had been feeling didn't do anything?
+Edit: Robin, the thing that I find the weirdest is that he'll talk this big show about 'I have all these sisters and I was basically raised by my mom, aunts, and older female cousin' ok? So why don't you get half the shit I talk about then?