Scary morning!!

Donna • I'm 28- been with my partner a long time, we tried for 3 months and I'm now 16 weeks, due May 22nd 2016! Excited much!
Hi so I woke up at 5am (roughly) and went to the toilet for a wee, whilst weeing I couldn't stop myself which I thought was strange, then I wiped and saw blood on the toilet paper. I cleaned up and stood up and started walking back to the bedroom when I felt I needed to go AGAIN so I went back did my business and wiped were there was more blood! So I shouted my sleepy SO to come as I panicked. We called our triage at the hospital and at this point I started cramping slightly. 
Got to the ward were they examined me internally. The midwifes were all lovely. They wasn't sure why I bled and said that there appears to be no more fresh blood. And my waters never broke. They asked if i wanted to stay to keep an eye out or go home to rest. I chose to go home as I would feel more comfortable there. Iv since had no bleeding and it's now 4pm. 
Has this happened to anyone else? Could it be my body preparing for labour or baby becoming engaged? I'm 32weeks today
Thanks all