Parents of children with ADHD...

Caitlyn • After three years of infertility, we are welcoming our son in September! 💙
Please share what form of treatment you use for your child.
My daughter will be 11 in June. Four years ago, she took Concerta for a year (which worked great). However, insurance quit covering it and it was too expensive to afford monthly. About a year later, we tried Vyvanse, but it caused TERRIBLE tics! She has not been on medication for almost two years, but I feel like she definitely needs something to help take the edge off. Her self esteem, relationships, and grades are starting to suffer. We practice mindfulness and CBT as well, but she isn't getting anything out of it because she's too distracted to focus. 
I am interested in a non-stimulant, but I've read some iffy reviews.
Please share your tips, tricks, and advice. Thank you!