I need help 😔 (f17)

my boyfriend is depressed and has been before. I know it's not my problem and I shouldn't let it affect me etc etc but I don't know what to do. it's a rare occasion he talks about wanting to hurt himself. his family doesn't have a lot of money so I don't think his parents would allow him to see a therapist but used to talk to the school counselor until I secretly went on behind his back and told her about how he hurts himself and she said she would take care of it. she told his mom and now he won't talk to the counseler. he denied his depression to his mom so she still doesn't know. his sister kind of knows and his dad's an ass so he wouldn't care I don't think. my mom doesn't take that shit seriously at all so I can't ask her about it. and I don't know what to do... I let it affect me more than it should! 😭😭