Rude comments!! So sick of them!

Today we went to my grandmothers as we always do for a cookout and Easter egg hunt..  After everyone commenting on how small my belly is and telling me I don't look pregnat just fat basically. I let all that slide and continue to try and have a good time even tho it hurt my feelings. Food gets done and I was sitting there watching the kids play they yell foods done and we all gather to pray and get food my mom makes point to announce I needed to go first I was eating for 2! After that sene all I got was a hamburger and Pickels (of course) and a few chips. Go and sit on the back deck and ate they started carrying up the dishes to wash as my mom went by I ask her was there any desert left she said yeah shed bring me some. In stead of putting it on a plate where they was cleaning up she brought me the bowl it was In and basically just had 2 full spoon fills left. Well my aunt made the comment what all the left overs go to the pregnat lady? I honestly couldn't hold it in any longer started crying.. I would had seen the point if I'd had 3 plates but I had one with a half eaten hamburger left... Where does people get off on they can say anything and everything about a pregnat lady's belly. What she eats what she don't eat. Can't they just lay off! I mean we are hormonal enough if I want to eat a bag of chips and drink a Coke I'm going to. I have gained 11 lbs this pregnancy if I want to splurge and have a Coke so what! Any others going threw the I hate everyone faze?