2 Heartbeats?

Daphne • DS 5/11. DS 2/13. Blighted Ov 10/15. Chemical Preg 10/15. Miscarriage 12/15. Now Pregnant due 10/14/16!
So I realize the odds are incredibly low but here goes: I'm on my third pregnancy and am very familiar with my Doppler. I've been using it since my first and def know the difference between baby/my heartbeat/placenta, etc. I've been measuring ahead in fundal height and am frankly huge for 11 wks 2 days compared to my last pregnancies. I know this might just be bc it's my third. I'm also already feeling flutters. I had an U/S at 6 weeks that showed one little gummy bear. Today, I found a heartbeat in two locations, about two inches apart. Both around the 150s. I realize these could be echos, but the separation is so distinct and nothing I've ever experienced, at least that I can remember. I also heard movement at both locations (those quick swish kicks they make) IF it were twins, I'm guessing they would be mono since it would've been hard to miss a second sac... And I know two inches isn't a huge distance but for 11 weeks? Has anyone experienced this? I'd like to stop thinking I'm crazy :)