*Venting* 😖 struggling, new life w/ newborn

Kyleigh • It's a boy!🌱🍼🐻 Born: 2•17•16
I don't have friends or a counselor to talk to so I figured I'd share on here (at the risk of the bully-jerks of glow making me feel like shit as you always do, please spare me this time, I just need a safe place to talk). I wanted to talk to a community who might be in the same boat: Im 22 my husband is 25 and we have a newborn, 5 week old little boy, I love him with all my heart, but he wasn't planned and my husband and I were not ready but pulled it all off (he got a better job, we moved to a new town for it, got married, got all the baby stuff set up with a lot of help from family) and we are just drained. I have no friends here, and all of mine are still single and baby-less and actually very busy with either school or their blossoming careers. I just sit here feeling like life pulled the rug out from under me in this whole situation, I wasn't ready and I'm too young and immature for these titles ("mom" and even "wife" at times) and I'm just totally missing the simplicity that I had one year ago: missing attending school, missing my little barista job, missing going out on Friday nights, or going out at all! I can't even window shop for an afternoon because I'm tied down to my tiny colicky baby, I miss having people to talk to, I miss getting dressed up (I stay in pjs all day and only catch up on hygiene when my husband comes home late from his crazy shifts to relieve me for a little bit before we try to hit the hay), I miss my husband not having to work so much to make ends meet, I miss the romance, there's no romance with newborns! I'm lucky if we get a kiss in! And sex? Even if we found the time we have no energy! I miss the romantic good-morning texts, the spontaneous dates, the planned dates, the freedom. Everything! I also have a lot of physical issues postpartum which makes it particularly difficult. It's just all exhausting and SO hard. Don't get me wrong, I love my son more than ANYTHING (seriously, he has my heart and soul💞) but yet I feel so damn empty and SO stuck. The worst is that I don't have anyone to talk to, so that's why I'm here, to vent. To relate(?) (We have no support in our new town, our family has literally made trips up every week since the birth to help out because my husband and I canNOT do this ourselves.) Please don't dump hate comments, I have the shakes from meds and sleep deprivation and can't stop crying and the last thing I need is to be told I'm "ungrateful", or whatever y'all fathom. It would help to know I'm not the only one going through this. I just feel too young, too immature, not strong enough, and SO alone. 😔