6 years

After 6 years of being in a long distance relationship things are now over. I asked him to move in with me and i got turned down,and that was just the straw that broke the camels back. he blames his religion for why he takes things slow and that thats not how you do thing in his family. but i just cant believe after 6 years he is not ready to take things to the next level. and after we broke up he admitted that he didnt love me. he actually said it: i dont love you. and it just broke my heart. why did you say it to me constantly then if you didnt love me? i asked him and he responded because it was a friendly love. i honestly just dont know how to react. i feel angry, i feel sad, i feel embarrassed and all kinds of emotions at once but i really love him. he is the love of my life and i wanted to marry him. i just feel like im not good enough.