Y'all this is becoming a problem !!

Sequoia • Married ❤️ we have 2 children. Boy (3/10/14) girl (8/25/16). Blessed for sure!
So I JUST found out on Thursday that I'm having a girl. By Saturday she already had an entire wardrobe for 0-3M O_O and there is more being delivered by the end of this week. What have I done LOL then my husband tells me yesterday he's getting a promotion and a $6 pay raise an hour! So basically he's telling me we are going to have more money for me to spend on our 2 year old son and our new little girl due in August 😂😂😂 please tell me someone else is fighting this addiction?!?! I really need to stop lmfao trust me y'all don't even want to see my sons wardrobe I can't even close the kids dresser anymore 😂