
Jenna • First time human mom. 4 fur babies. Boudoir Photographer.
So I know it's way to soon to be planning any details or anything, but I live out of state from my family so planning ahead is always more helpful. Also, I'm totally a planner, so it helps my anxiousness haha. Anyway, the plan is to have a family baby shower down in FL where my husband and I are originally from so that all our family can attend and be involved. It'll likely turn into a casual event with kids and all that involved since we're not able to come down from VA too often. However, the majority of our friends are up here in VA. I want to throw a beer & diapers party for my husband and his lot of his friends already have kids so I know they'll have a good time. Now, for myself and my friends, I would like to have another mini-shower, but I have SO many Mom friends that I know will have a ton of hand me downs and stuff ready to go by the time my babe is ready to come into the world. I'd like to have the shower be formatted in that I don't want anything new. If you have baby stuff you don't use or need, I'd love that. Or new diapers, but that's it. My family spending money on us is one thing, mainly since we couldn't stop them if we tried. But I really don't want my close friends spending any money on us, when they have so much going on for them. Anyone ever do anything like this? Thanks!