A difficult day.


Last night I went to bed with pretty consistent Braxton Hicks contractions and they didn't really go away I was just able to sleep through them and every time I woke up to go bathroom they would still be back even after drinking water consistently through the night. Then this morning I was awaken by a phone call letting me know one of the greatest women I know went to be with the Lord this morning after only finding out yesterday that she was extremely sick. Since then of course my emotions are all over the place, I can't seem to catch my breath and feeling dizzy/light headed, I'm having really sharp vaginal pains like stretching and still having BH contractions all over the place nothing consistent. I'm 36 weeks today and don't go back to the doctor till Wednesday.

I feel like all my symptoms are normal for this far along but wondering if the extra stress could be causing problems since I'm having trouble catching my breath/feeling light headed.