Could I still be pregnant? (📷TMI)

Annabelle • 20, engaged, England, TTC baby #1

My period was due a week ago today and I am late which is very very rare. Usually my period comes as expected by Glow or before then. Today I got some light bleeding (refer to photos) that I've never had before so I thought it was implantation bleeding, but now it's slightly heavier and less pink, more red like period blood. It's still light in comparison to my regular period which usually requires a tampon (and pad in case of overflow) with changes every 2 hours. I have some cramping, but again, compared to my usual period cramps these are a walk in the park for me.

Today would be 7-8 days after conception if I am pregnant. (This month we tried 5 out of 7 days so far starting from the 20th). So as asked in the title, could I be pregnant? Should I test? If so, when?