F@$% This!!

Teri • 32 years old. Engaged to my love of the past 13 years. I have 2 beautiful children ages 12 & 10
I have been TTC for 9 months now with nothing! I have been tracking fertile days and my period, and I'm through with it! I have 2 beautiful children and maybe that's all I'm meant to have! When I got pregnant with my 2 kids it was as simple as not pulling out one time and BAM I was pregnant. I think all this tracking makes it too stressful, and it has taken the fun out of my sex life! So as of today I am deleting GLOW and will be going old school! If its meant to be it will be but I'm done trying to make it happen!! Good luck to all of you beautiful ladies on your journeys and if by some chance I do get my bfp then I will for sure get my app back and let everyone know! Baby dust to you all!❤