23 never worn a bra, what should I do?

I don't have plans to, but what's your opinion. 
I feel more comfortable not wearing one. 
I wear bandeau's and ocasionally I'll wear a sports bra. But I've never worn a "real" padded bra. I did get sized once and it was 32 A I tried on a real bra before. I like the look of nice sized boobs but I feel like they don't look good on me, I don't even feel comfortable with making them look pushed up and showing cleavage either. My friends are like omg you have no boobs, but I'm like I do they're just squeezed in. For better illustration since everyone's seen her tits they are the size of Miley Cyrus' boobs lol ok. I usually wear leggings and cute oversized shirts. I just like feeling comfy and bras ALWAYS bugged me they'd always rise up or sag too low pinch my sides, leave irritating imprints or be too tight. I'm just looking for maybe one or two. No one Knows what I'm wanting cause they just wear normal ones. Does anyone out there know of a bra that makes yours boobs look better than they do in a sports bra or bandeau without the underwire or the small tight straps everywhere. Some tend to makes your boobs look pointy in the "no underwire" bra so please advise me with someone cute!! I'm gonna post with a pic so you can see what they look like now and my body type 
-itty bitty titty committee