
Catherine • 33- have a beautiful 6 yo DD and so excited that she is going to be a big sister in December 2016!
TTC #2- DD will get a "big sister" shirt for her 6th birthday next month!!
What I did different:
Bought cheap OPK's- started testing the day after my period ended. I tracked how dark they got, and once they started getting more than 50% match, I switched to Clearblue Digital (1 Low, 3 High, then I got my Peak). We BD'd everyday from the start of the flashing smiley face to 2 days after. I also had a problem confirmed EWCM, so I bought preseed and used it every time we BD'd. I got my first faint line on 7 DPO, a darker on 8 DPO and a digital Positive on 9 DPO. 
         Baby Dust to all!!