Pains, doctors app

Okay yesterday I had a sharp pain through my vagina and then all of a sudden felt wet, my under became wet and then when I wiped, the first pic has some pink stuff it looks like, well today I had a pap smear done, and I went to the bathroom twice and didn't bleed, then 2nd time I had some pink spotting, okay but anyway he had said that I am probably ovulating right know that's why I'm hurting but my period is April 2nd?? So that's just 5 days away is that possible?? Anyway he said I had an infection and I asked what kind, he said something to do with my bladder, and he made me appointment to come and see him again in ten days, and if my stomach and stuff don't stop hurting then there do an ultra sound to see what's wrong, but anywho I looked through my paperwork and he had an X beside Chlamydia, so that means I have it but he didn't tell me when I had asked? He also gave me Amoxicellion something like that, but anyway what do y'all think? Please respond