Waiting to Tell

My husband and I have been trying to have a baby since we got married 7 months ago and it finally happened. Easter Sunday after we got home from family brunch I knew I was 5 days late but I'd been having cramps so I figured I might as well use my last test and got a positive. I was so shocked I shrieked and my husband came in and I showed him. We stood there crying and laughing for a long time. 
Now it has settled in and I have my first doctors visits set up I am bursting to tell our family and friends. I will wait to do a Facebook announcement until we get our first ultrasound but it's really hard not to call my mom.
This weekend we are going to be Godparents for my youngest nieces baptism. I want to tell so badly but I don't want to steal her weekend. (My SIL and I aren't best friends anyway). 
How did you avoid telling??!?!?