TMI regarding odor

So for about a year now I've been having a vaginal odor. At first I thought it was a yeast infection, but Monistat and a doctor prescribed pill didn't help. I got an exam and my doctor said she couldn't find anything wrong. She took cultures and said she couldn't find a sign of any infection or issue. I still persisted that the odor was there, so she prescribed Mitroconozal (not sure of the spelling!) gel for possible BV, which didn't help either. The odor is tending to the ammonia side of smelling, and it's strong at times. I've had to wear pantyliners to avoid it being an issue in public and it's very embarrassing! My doctor said that because I have PCOS she think it has something to do with my hormones being wacky and messing with my pH, but that she didn't have much options for helping. Just wondered if anyone else has dealt with this before? Thanks!