PMS Symptom...Changed?

Hi everyone! I had a question regarding PMS symptoms. 
When I was younger, from when I got my period at 11, to around 13, I had little to no PMS symptoms, just the usual mild cramping that my period was coming. 
From 14-17, I had severely painful cramps of which I took BC for and helped up til 18. With a normal 5 day flow.  
From 19-20(now) I've had headaches and mild cramping accompanied with nausea and 3-4 day flow. Just an hour ago I got my expected headache, and nausea, but this time I actually had to get up and throw up. Is it normal to have so many changes in my symptoms as well as flow days? 
I felt better after throwing up. No more headache or anything. But it's strange to me because this has never happened before. Is it something I should worry about? 
My mom was prone to migraines, is this something that is maybe hereditary?