
I am with a great guy now. We have a lot in common. He feels like he one, but I still think of the other guy I was with last which was only a month and a half ago. We haven't talked for three and a half weeks since then. However, today in the gym I saw him after not seeing him for weeks and there was a huge sexual tension in the room. Sooo huge and it was sooo good and we were good and I could see a future with him before. I gave up everything for him, but I gave him up when I found out he lied. I knew he was seeing the other girl so I saw the other guys because none of the guys were serious or else I would've been. This new guy is serious, but I think of he first guy I want to scream his name! I would tatoo it on my body jk, but really. I desire him, but I would lose the new guy who could be the one. The first guy wants to meet up with me and wants me to text him before he goes to another state for his sport. I am conflicted. I don't want to regret it and I don't even know if the new guy and I are compatible. I'm thinkkng of meeting up with the first guy just to talk and say goodbye but I tried that before... And I'm afraid I will end up having sex with him because he is dominant I am submissive and we are great. What do you gals think? It's probably obvious but I just need help.