
So yesterday morning I found a few non raised red spots on my abdorman.

Throughout the day I got really flu like. I was dizzy and spaced out, sore coughy throat, all I wanted to do is sleep. So i put my daughter to bed at 6.30 & i actually got into bed at 7.30. I literally had no energy. My body was aching all over & had flushes of hot and cold.

This morning, I woke up with a rash all over my neck, ears and face. So itchy & a bit sore.

Thought nothing of it and was like 'just a heat rash'

But then it spread to my back, arms, and little down my inner thighs! Wtf I look horrendous!! 😡

I have no flu like symptoms at all anymore. Was just yesterday day & night. Any advice ladies? If it stays like this tomorrow, I'm heading to the docs. 😧

Also having a few heart palpitations. 😂