Clomid - bumped from 50 mg to 100 mg

I took 50 mg of clomid for 3 cycles and no pregnancy. My doctor then said to do 2 more rounds at 100 mg. With the 50 mg, I had light spotting day 27 and 28 of my cycle and a full blown heavy period the next day with bad bad cramping for the first 2 days. For 3 cycles this happened like clockwork. Now that I have taken 100 mg, I only had light spotting on day 28 (nothing on day 27) and then no period the next day (which was yesterday, which, if not pregnant, I should have been a full blown period as usual). I was excited that I had no period all day. Last night my husband and I had sex and I was lightly bleeding after. But after that blood went away there was nothing else. I do sometimes bleed from sex. I woke up this morning, peed a little and wiped and found no blood....I grabbed a pregnancy test and continued peeing. It was negative. I really was hopeful that maybe this time I was pregnant considering the clomid had made everything happen on time for the 3 50 mg cycles. It must have something to do with being bumped to 100 mg. has anyone else experienced this with a change in mg in clomid? I have one more round to go before we go see the specialist on May 4. It's now over a year of tying. I can't take this monthly heartache 💔