Clear blue inconclusive test?

I'm five days late, this is my second test and it's inconclusive . I got a negative but in thee second box ( that's suppose to show that the test worked) it's clear . I'm going to wait longer and retest. My period according to this app won't start until the 6th.... But that's 38 days since my last one . Idky it says that and it won't let me change it. I downloaded other apps and they all say I'm 5 days late. I'm frustrated ! Anybody have receive an inconclusive and then got aBfp? Also because this app has my period all wrong we were trying on the wrong days and the ovulation days were wrong. I'm really disappointed and sad. We were not really trying , not really not trying. We have a very go with the flow attitude ba out it ( I have a sis trying to conceive and it just seems so stressful for her I didn't want to do it that way ).
But now I'm sad , I was very nauseous   Earlier this month but it went away and I feel nothing no af symptoms no baby symptoms. I'm just sad now