Glow is hard to follow...

Heather • Mom to a wonderful 1 year old girl. TTC #2 since April 2014.
It's so hard to follow all of the conversations on Glow :( I'm here just failing at keeping everything sorted out... I'm CD 15 started BD cycle of E/O day last night, no (+) opk yet. I think once I get a (+) I will try every night.. I had the HSG last week and it wasn't horrible, but I did have some back pain and cramping for two days. I will go in for some progesterone testing one week after a (+) opk. Come January we will start <a href="">IUI</a>... But we got pregnant with elle right after the HSG so I hope we get another miracle before <a href="">IUI</a>!! Might do clomid for Nov/Dec if insurance covers the ultrasounds... If they don't then it would be $600 and waiting till January would make more sense (switching to husbands insurance and it covers <a href="">IUI</a> fertility at 80%)... There is my random thoughts and babbling :)