Telling the Parents

Hey everyone! So I have somewhat of a problem I guess you could say. I'm just about 14 weeks pregnant and my boyfriend has yet to tell his parents. Everyone in my family already knows and they're completely happy and excited about the news. Things with he and I are great as far as our relationship and focusing on the pregnancy I'm just worried that his parents will hate me when he does finally tell them. Considering that I only met them on Christmas and we have an age difference between us. We are both still young but he's only 20 and well I'm 24. He doesn't really open up to his parents about anything personal but his family is very tight knit and strong which confuses me. Both his older and younger sister like me alot as well as his 2 year old niece. His parents also seem to like me I just don't want them to feel like I've tainted him and ruined his life. Every time I ask or my family asks him when he plans to tell his parents he says he will...but time is only moving forward and eventually they will know just from my belly growing. This is all so stressful and I really don't know what to do.