
Hi sorry for the long post I'm just really starting to worry! Sorry also if i've posted in wrong group. I've been trying to conceive with my now ex partner for a year and a half with no luck! I've never been able to get pregnant and have been down the doctors route with having checks and tests but was unable to go any further due to partner needing to be checked which he never got the balls to go and do! We have recently decided to split up due to constant arguing and me wanting to move back closer to my family. We are currently still living together until the end of next month then I'm moving into my own flat closer to home. My head had finally been in a great place with wanting a fresh start, I want to loose weight with the support of friends and tackle my depression and live on my own as it's something I've never had the chance to do. Now I'm stressing because I'm late! for about 3-5 months I was having 34 day cycles but then the last 2 months it has been 24 day cycles. I am now on day 37 with no signs of my monthly! I took a test end of last week which was negative. I've had cramps and mood swings but still nothing. I'm too scared to test again as I'm dreading I am pregnant as we have split up but also in way will be gutted if I'm not as it's something I've always wanted and I know my ex would want to make a go of it if I am. I just can't see a future with him though, he's very selfish, extremely untidy and hardly gets his butt to work so never brings enough money home so I end up supporting us both. I just don't know if perhaps I'm prolonging my period due to stressing? maybe?