Lost a twin

I'm sharing this anonymously bc it's very hard to talk about. I have hardly even had the strength to talk to my family or even my husband. 
Early on we suspected we were having twins. At our 12 week appointment the doctor picked up two heart beats on the Doppler. One in the 160's and one in the 140's. Our ultrasound around 15 weeks only showed one baby. 
I was heart broken but we tried to convince ourselves that the two heart beats was a mistake. The ultrasound showed only one baby so we were only having one baby. I did my best to push it to the back of my mind. I had a very difficult and sickly pregnancy. Completely opposite of my first. 
Come time for delivery 40+2, I developed preeclampsia, my epidural didn't take and I'm allergic to all other pain meds. Natural delivery, I told the doctor I was sure that the cord was around the baby's neck. I don't know how I knew but I just did. 
Just as he was crowning he felt stuck, she was able to cut the cord from around his neck before he was even fully delivered and he is just fine despite the cord being wrapped around twice...
Then I delivered the placenta. The placenta had two cords... This confirmed the loss of our twin... I know we lost the baby early on but it doesn't make it hurt any less. 
I'm thankful and blessed with one healthy baby but I'm feeling grief for the loss of our second...
Im not sharing this for pity I'm typing this out bc right now it's the only way i can talk about it