Milk Supply...


First time mom of 2 Month old here. Hello All 😊

I am in need of some momma advice about my milk supply.

When LO was born I was concerned about not producing milk that I pumped all the time especially since she was in NICU and I had to leave her for a day there over night and they gave her formula. So I kept on pumping and feeding pumping and feeding To the point that by her 2 week check up I was producing a total of 9oz even after having her latch. My Pediatrician told me to try to slow down because I am going to spend all my time pumping and feeding and will be so uncomfortable due to engorgement. So I slowed down. Now I am heading back to work in2 weeks and I am trying to get my milk supply up to where it was. She is not feeding every 3 hours and I no longer wake her up to feed. So sometimes she goes 6 hours sleeping. So I pump. Sometimes I pump and it's only 2 ounces total and she wakes up hungry and I put her to latch then bottle feed the other 2 ounces. I feel like it's not enough and she's hungry still but I don't have anything else to give. And I cant explain why but hubby & I do not want her to have formula. So how can I speed up this process??? I am trying to pump as much as possible but then like I said I run the risk of her not having anything to eat. Help 😖😖😖

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Posted at
She hungry lot cause you let her go so long without eating feed her every three hour so what if she sleeping and trust me she won't be to hungry if she feed right good luck 


Posted at
Fenugreek. You can buy it in pill form at Walmart. Start with 3 pills 3 times a day and see how that increases your supply. If after a day or so it's not quite enough, up it to 4 pills. When I was having supply concerns, I went up to 5-6 pills at a time, and it worked beautifully. However, you will start to smell like maple syrup, even your sweat. Just a heads up. All the best!


💖LRS126💖 • Mar 30, 2016
thanks I'll look into it


Posted at
You shouldnt let her got so must time with out eating not good and the baby needs 3 oz of breastmilk so you can try some teas that help with milk supply and drink lots of water and eat oatmeal too that should help and oh yes eat oranges too I hope this help


💖LRS126💖 • Mar 30, 2016
her pediatrician has ok'd her going the long period she is without eating. and I can't have oranges because it will give her acid reflux