Thinking of birth contorl method sorry tmi

DONAJI • I am a ♉, 21 Year Old Mother Of A (Boy 👦 Nathan) Soon To Be (Girl 👧 Kalani) And A (Baby Angel👼) Watching Over Me. Im Engaged💍👰 To My High School SweetHeart 💑 My Family Will Soon Be Complete!👪💖
I hope noone thinks this is just a dumb post or a waist of time im a mother of a 2 year old boy and currently pregnant with my daughter had a misscarage back in june 2015 ive been wondering what i want to do to take care of my body after giving birth side note im only 21. Yes i got pregnant at a young age ive thought about birth control but im bad at taking them daily pills so i tried the shots and gained weight. After i tryed the iud and that ended up out of place leading to my pregnancy/misscarage i was wondering if getting my tubes tied is a good idea i mean im not a person with alot of money so im not financially stable i do get wic but i dont get wealfare thought it would be okay to throw it out sorry if its out of place anyway i just want to know if anyone eles who would be in my postion would do the same or if im just crazy. I want to go to school and work so thats another reason i dont want to deal with getting pregnant and i would never abort im against abortion. Please i could use some advice i mean one baby is a handful now two props to the mothers who have more babys and manage to move forward!!