Judgemental Glow Users

I never post on here, just scroll & read how judgmental ppl have gotten over the years of being on Glow. I have had this app for 2 years now & it used to be helpful & made you feel comfortable sharing with other ppl, now I see nothing but unnecessary, hateful opinions. The thing that is driving me crazy the most is older women bashing younger women for having/wanting kids young. Everyone matures at different ages & just because you weren't mature enough or in a position to handle something at that age doesn't mean someone else isn't. I am 19 & I have lived on my own since 17. I graduated High school with above average grades, worked full time & paid all my bills without one bit of help, including government assistance. I'm now married & my husband, who is 20, has done the same thing as me. We both work full time jobs, with decent benefits & pay our own bills with no assistance & we have a very comfortable lifestyle. We aren't ttc & haven't really thought about it but if we wanted we are in a position where we could handle it, financially & emotionally. So for you ladies claiming its not possible, stop being closed-minded just because you were still a "child" at 17, 18, etc.