Advice from my ttc'ers

✨sparkle🐠cubs™️✨ • Twin Momma, 🚨💉💊, married to my best friend, ALLY & bleeding heart liberal!
Soooo, I recently began seeing an R.E. I found out on u/s that my left tube is destended (swollen with fluid) & that I needed to have an HSG to confirm that the tube needs to be taken or tied. They also drew some labs that showed my AMH to be slightly elevated(never had any other symptoms of pcos) but I had to wait until the 3rd day of my new cycle to complete the rest of the labs with my LH & FSH & schedule the HSG test. In the mean time, hubs semen analysis came back stellar! Well, I was due to start this cycle 3/23 but it never came. I talked to the nurse & she said to wait until CD 40 before running blood hcg, & if that was neg, they would likely start me on Provera to start my cycle so I could proceed with testing. CD 40 was Monday, blood hcg is negative (🙄) & now I'm on CD43 & cannot get anyone at my RE's office to return my call. Here's my question...would you call the emergency line at this point? I mean, I can't do ANYTHING until I start a new cycle & this is making me crazy! I'm sorry this is so long, but any advice or ecperience would be appreciated!😘