Am I a b*tch?

All opinions are welcome. 
Ima get straight to the point. I don't want my baby at my MILs house till he gets older. SO doesn't seem to understand why, even though he knows I'm OCD.
multiple reasons why:
1. My MIL smokes like a chimney and so does everybody in her house. I smoke cigarettes too but we do not smoke in our house.
2. My MILs mom has a dog in the house and her mom rarely EVER washes the dog and let's her be all over the furniture and her hair sheds every f'n where it's disgusting and the last time we were they're I went to feed my son and he had hair in his mouth!!! I damn near had an anxiety attack. 
3. All of her kids are dirty. Not like regular kid dirty; you can't see their room floors, they have month old food in bowls,cups etc. mold just ew. And on TOO many encounters I've gone into the restroom and "nobody knows who" but somebody is ALWAYS wiping their ass with either tissue, socks, face towels, or the damn floor rug and just leaving it in the middle of the floor. And when the girls have their periods, it's always blood on the sink, toilet, handle, it's just nasty.
4. When one person in the house gets sick, EVERYBODY in the house gets sick because for some reason nobody there knows how to cover their mouth when they cough or sneeze, or wash their hands.
Overall, it's just some BAD hygiene going on there and I don't feel comfortable around it yet alone having my infant around it. I honestly dk why their house is this way being that my MIL is a stickler when it comes to being clean, her room is always spotless but the rest of the house is trash. They also have a live in nanny who's been with them for over 10 years so she's basically family, she cleans the house on a daily basis but it just never seems to get fully clean being how dirty people there are. I just feel like a bitch cus I don't wanna make it seem like their lower than me, I'm just a clean person who can't stand to be in filth! It bothers me so much.
EDIT** and this has nothing at all to do with my MIL herself, we are very close I look up to her as if she's my rea mom. Just can't stand their living conditions.